
West Byfleet ‘Health Hero’ addresses Parliament

A local health worker, who volunteered in a rural hospital in Ethiopia travelled to Parliament to deliver a message about the importance of the international fight against killer diseases. Dr Alexa Vardy, from West Byfleet, spoke at the ‘Health Heroes’ event organized by anti-poverty campaign group

Jonathan celebrates 50 years of animal welfare campaigning

Jonathan joined the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) at Westminster this week to celebrate 50 years of successful campaigning to protect wildlife in the UK and around the globe.   IFAW was founded in 1969 after a group of concerned individuals first witnessed newborn seal pups bei

Jonathan welcomes the latest employment figures for Woking and the UK.

  In Woking, the number of people who are claiming key out-of-work benefits has fallen by 830 since 2010 – an overall reduction of 58% per cent, meaning fewer people now need this support because they have the security of a job.   The figures show that wages have risen at their fastest

Jonathan joins guests at the opening of £3 millon Design Centre in Woking

Jonathan attended the opening of the £3 million V4 Wood Flooring design centre. The innovative and exciting ‘V4 World’ design centre will allow the company to showcase its luxury flooring products and wall panels to customers, architects, specifiers and designers in settings that demonstrate how th

2019 ERSA Employability Awards now open

Do you know an outstanding individual, organisation or local business going the extra mile to help jobseekers in your constituency?   The ERSA Employability Awards are open for nominations.

Heathrow Expansion

Jonathan has had the following question regarding Heathrow expansion and noise pollution answered by the Department for Transport:   Question:

Jonathan welcomes support for vulnerable rough sleepers in Surrey

Jonathan has welcomed new investment from the Conservative Government, spearheaded by Communities Secretary James Brokenshire, to help Surrey support rough sleepers into safe and stable accommodation where they can rebuild their lives.   Surrey is set to receive £41,130 to help vulnerable peo